John Shocked
2005-05-05 03:25:26 UTC
Troll O Meter
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Obviously this guy does not believe that I am a troll.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Shrewd judgment. I am just telling the truth about
Anti-Arab/Moslem Hate in the Hollywood/Media
-zero troll.
ISLAM: Winning the hearts and minds of the world, one bomb at a time.
Israel: The true terrorist nation in the Middle East, who,ISLAM: Winning the hearts and minds of the world, one bomb at a time.
when the neighboring Arab nations were willing to
retreat from the conflict after the UN Partition in 1947
and allow Jews to have the Israel portion of the area in peace,
decided to immediately go on a 1948 terrorist campaign to Palestinian
townships like Yassin where they murdered Palestinian men, women
and children in order to force the Palestinians to flee and become the
Palestinian Refugees.
The new Israel nation, led by new terrorist
Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, immeiately passed laws to steal
the land and property of the Palestinians who fled,
in a manner which was copied by the Serbs in the early 1990's.
And now the US has Arab blood on its own hands after decades of
hoping Israel would give back the Arab land and property and make
peace with its neighbors. What incentive does Israel really have
to make peace with its neighbors when the US is enabling them
to steal their neighbors' land and property ?